- Compare Online DVD Rental Sites -

Each day thousands of people sign up to rent movies online. The reason is that renting DVD's online is a great way to save time and money by allowing you to order DVD's right from your own home via the internet.

So which online DVD company is the best?

In most cases all online DVD companies have all of the same general advantages:
  • Delivery of DVD"s right to your home
  • No late charges
  • There is no inconvenience of going to the video store only to find the DVD you want to rent is all out
  • Online DVD services have thousands of more titles than your local video store
  • They also have a much larger foreign and indie film selection that you can't find anywhere else

Editors Choice: Top Online DVD Rental Sites Rated by Our Experts
Based on our research and customer feedback as of March 12, 2025
Online DVD
Plans Start
# of Movie
Netflix $4.99/month 70,000+ No 2 weeks
Blockbuster $5.99/month 65,000+ In-store Only 2 weeks
Gameznflix $4.99/month 40,000+ Yes 2 weeks

The problem is that each online service is also a bit different from each other in terms of service and payment structures. When choosing an online DVD rental service the most important aspect is finding a plan that works best for you and your family.

How do you determine which plan works best plan for you?

To help you, we have rented from and researched several DVD rental sites to determine which ones are the best. We focused on three key components: selection, price, and customer satisfaction. Then we took our research and summarized each site highlighting their main features and price structures.

We are here to help you save time and money. Please review the following sites and choose the one that most fits your needs.

Best Regards,
Jason Anderson

  Top Rated Online DVD Rental Sites
Based on our research and customer feedback as of March 12, 2025
Most popular plans:
  • $23.99/month
    - 4 DVDs out at a time
  • $17.99/month
    - 3 DVDs out at a time
  • $4.99/month
    - 1 DVD out at a time
    - 2 Rentals per month
Overall Rating

Netflix is definitely one of our top choices. They have been around since 1999 and have defined the online DVD rental business.

Netflix is a great site for people who are on the go and don't want to be bothered with running out to get a DVD. It is also an excellent choice for those who don't have a DVD rental store near them. Netflix has over more than 70,000 movies available. They also have plans for a wide range of customers.

Out of all the online DVD rental sites that we reviewed we do have to say that Netflix customer service is exceptional. We have also had minimal problems with DVDs arriving on time. The only issue that has come up is getting a popular DVD when it is first released. Though this is typical for any online or store DVD rental company we believe that Netflix has had greater numbers of new releases in stock before everyone else.

We recommend Netflix for those who do not have a large DVD rental store near them. The have a great selection and the price is right! ....find out more
Quick Facts:
  • Over 70,000 movies available
  • Exceptional customer service
  • 2 week free trial
  • No late fees
  • No video game or Adult movie rentals available
  • Free shipping, both ways
  • Unlimited DVD rental plans
  • Wide range of plans to fit almost any need

All plans allow for online or in-store rental plus free in-store game rental.

Most popular plans:
  • $23.99/month
    - 4 DVDs out at a time
  • $17.99/month
    - 3 DVDs out at a time
  • $14.99/month
    - 2 DVDs out at a time

Overall Rating

Blockbuster is also high on our list of one of the best online DVD services out there. After being the underdog for a number of years, Blockbuster has definitely been giving their competition a run for their money.

Blockbuster offers a similar service and price structure as other DVD rental services but gives the consumer the advantage of in-store exchanges. All you have to do after watching the movie you rent online is bring it into the store and pick out a new movie at the store for a free exchange. Blockbuster will even mail your online movie rental back to the distribution center for you. In addition, Blockbuster provides members with a coupon each month for free in-store movie or video game rentals. Blockbuster also offers members great discounts on movie purchases at their stores.

Another cool feature about Blockbuster is that members can check online to see if the store near them carries the movie they want. That way if you want the movie without waiting for it in the mail and the store near you has it you can pick it up immediately. All of the information is accessed from your own home! ....find out more
Quick Facts:
  • Over 65,000 movies available
  • Great customer service
  • 2 week free trial
  • no late fees
  • Free shipping, both ways
  • Unlimited DVD rental plans
  • Wide range of plans to fit almost any need
  • In-store video game rentals with coupon (this is included in their membership plan)
  • In-store exchanges

Most popular plans:
  • $249.00/year
    - 6 DVDs out at a time - this is their best plan if you rent a lot of DVDs and videogames
  • $16.99/month
    - 3 DVDs out at a time
  • $12.99/month
    - 2 DVDs out at a time
  • 8.99/month
    - 1 DVD out at a time
Overall Rating

Gameznflix is one of the only sites we reviewed that has successfully incorporated the concept of renting DVD and video games online. Gameznflix rental plans accommodate all kinds of families and individuals. They even have a plan to rent 6 DVDs or video games at a time! If you rent a lot and don't want to spend hundreds of dollars a year renting or buying videogames this is the way to go.

Gameznflix doesn't have a as large of a movie selection as Netflix or Blockbuster but they cater to those customers that like to try out all of the new and latest electronics, such as, DVDs for HDTV, Blu-Ray, and UMD. And if you are a gamer you definitely should check them out. Their selection of video games is one of the best we've seen.

Because they are a much smaller company than their other competitors they do not have as many distribution centers. This means you may have to wait a bit longer (their average shipping times are 3-5 days). But please do be discouraged by this….all in all we believe that this site is well worth it!

We recommend Gameznflix for those who want a one stop rental service for both movies and videogames. ....find out more
Quick Facts:
  • Over 40,000 movies available
  • Game rentals available for X360, XBOX, PS3, PS2, PSP, PS1, Wii, GC
  • Movie rentals available for HD-DVD, Blu-Ray, UMD
  • 2 week free trial
  • Good customer service, even though they are a little slow getting back
  • No late fees
  • Free shipping, both ways
  • No commitments, cancel anytime
  • Wide range of plans to fit almost any need (including a 6 rental program)
  • Website interface could be better